Friday, May 15, 2020

How to Manage Your Social Media Presence with Apps

How to Manage Your Social Media Presence with Apps If your business or your personal brand is on social media, you probably understand that although social media can bring tons of business, its also a lot of work to maintain and do well.Fortunately, there are a number of tools that have come out recently that can help you manage the process more effectively. These tools allow you to track your efforts, make the process easier and generally take steps toward building a successful social media campaign.evalFurthermore, most of these tools are free or very low cost meaning your company can be a social media success story for a few bucks a month.By now I bet you’re probably curious which tools I’m talking about and how to use them to make your social media pages better and make managing whem a whole lot easier.Well I won’t keep it from you, without further ado, here are five great tools you can use to manage the different aspects of running successful social media pages.1.BufferevalIt can be a pain to login to all of your social me dia pages at the right time of day to post the same message over and over. Fortunately, there is a tool called buffer that can make this part of managing your businesses or personal social media accounts a whole lot easier.Buffer is a great and simple tool that allows you to schedule social media messaging and distribute it to multiple platforms at the ideal time.The service is used by over 3 million people according to their website which means it must be good.A good starter plan will set you back a mere $10/month and ranges up to a couple hundred dollars if you want to get really fancy.2.Adobe SparkevalOne of the most time consuming and difficult tasks of running a social media page is editing images to go along with your posts. Unless you’re a photoshop wizard Overall, Adobe Spark is a great tool for your social media editing needs.3.Bit.lyYou don’t want a long and ugly url taking up space in your awesome social media post, right? But it can be an absolute pain to shorten lin ks on your website and in some cases, not possible.That’s where comes into play.You can put any link into the service for free and get a much shorter link that you can use in your posts. Simple but very effective.In addition, the service will allow you to track and measure link performance over time which can help you optimize your postings and become smarter with your social media.Overall, is an effective and simple service you won’t want to miss. And did I mention that it’s free?4.BuzzSumoIf you’re not tracking your efforts on social media or paying attention to current trends your essentially throwing darts at the wall and hoping something sticks. It could work, but odds are you’ll invest a lot of time with little to show for it.We recommend using an analytics platform and BuzzSumo is a great option that allows you to get some insight into what is working and not working on your social media channels.It can figure out relevant information like what content is being shared the most, what has been shared in the past, social backlinks, trending content and influencers, and more.evalUsing this information will allow your company to create better content at the right time ensuring you’re able to make the most of your social media presence.BuzzSumo starts at $79 per month and goes up from there depending on the size of your organization. However, an effective social media strategy is easily worth the cost.5.VenngageevalInfographics are extremely popular and widely shared on social media because they can communicate information effectively and in a fun way.But making infographics can be hard, really hard. Don’t believe me, give it a go. Even if you know how to use editing software you may still struggle.But don’t worry, Venngage can solve all your problems Venngage allows you to easily create beautiful infographics in no time at all.The service is also affordable ranging from $19/month up to $49/month depending on your plan and will s ave you that much money in time each month.ConclusionThe 5 apps above will automate 80% of your social media work while simultaneously improving your social media strategy.However, if there are other tasks that are time consuming or if you have special needs, just try Googling around. There are now tons of tools designed specifically to automate all aspects of the social media process.

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